Friday, July 12, 2013

Storyboard Planing

Establishing Shot - 3 seconds
Wide - long shot
Once there lived 3 hobbits.
Fa: Shayne
Tee: Studz
Foi: Heremaia


close up - 3 secondes
of them separating
Too old to live with mum so they go their separate ways.
Studz goes left, Heremaia goes straight and Shayne goes right.
wide shot - 2 seconds of all three separating
Too old to live with mum so they go their separate ways.
Studz goes left, Heremaia goes straight and Shayne goes right.
Long Shot - 3 seconds of the oldest hobbit going to Pak n save
They have never left the cottage ever

Title In the bushes

Close Up - 2 seconds of Going into bush

Above shot - 2 seconds of trying to trap animals.
the twisted tail

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