While we were go on are trip to saturn we were palning what to do before we get there. I said if i see are alien boy he will be my best friend. So it was time to leave. Once I got in the space ship I had to put my space suit on. Suddenly I can fell the space ship moving so I new we were going. I Acendenly lost the space suit. YAY it was on my brothers body, How I new it was on him is because he was laughing at me. Once we go outta earth it was bazear to see all the othe planets around us. Suddenly the ship just stop so we hoped out. I went runing around the rings looking for an alien. But there was none. While I got half way around I heard a bazear noiz, YAY it was are alien. Me and him was playing games Intel my mum came. We found our mum but she siad sorry but we have to go home. Then i said we only just got here. So she said only twinty minutes cause thats the time the space ship is leaving. So we had to make the most of our time. We had a tornerment that who will come first out of are sprint. But it was to late to have are sprint compertion cause it was only 1 minute. The alien was not alound to come. He had to stay with his family that was over mars. We leaft back to earth to go home.