100,000 Millions years ago my dinosaur lived in a forest were all the dinosaurs lived. His name was called ankylosaruus because he had to be named after his dad. He so huge that he could take on a T-Rex and triceratops. His dad and his mum could take on most of the dinosaurs in the forest.
His habits are going threw the woods hunting for dinosaurs. Ankylosaurus has spikes on its back and a rock on its tail for when some dinosaurs come to attack. What he uses for attacking is his rock and his spikes on his back for def He took on three triceratops with his big humongous rock on the bottom of his tail.
And he took on five T-Rex with his spikes on his back because they always try to bit him on his back but they always die when they bit his spikes He likes to eat grazing on ferns and other low growing plant life. While he eats ferns and growing plants he slowly gets tougher and tougher. Suddenly he likes to fight against hes own family.