Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Fire Works

At night time on Saturday we were lighting off fire works. We only had an reload and are bob box. My best one was the reload because it had all of the once were you light it and it will go in their air. And the bob box had only flower pots were it just stays on the ground doing Spackle. My best one was the one were it was so BIG that there was stars going in a circle and then Jesus was in the middle. When it got to ten o'clock we had to pack up to do it tomorrow. I wanted to do all of it but my big brother said no save it for tomorrow.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Outta This World

While we were go on are trip to saturn we were palning what to do before we get there. I said if i see are alien boy he will be my best friend. So it was time to leave. Once I got in the space ship I had to put my space suit on. Suddenly I can fell the space ship moving so I new we were going. I Acendenly lost the space suit. YAY it was on my brothers body, How I new it was on him is because he was laughing at me. Once we go outta earth it was bazear to see all the othe planets around us. Suddenly the ship just stop so we hoped out. I went runing around the rings looking for an alien. But there was none. While I got half way around I heard a bazear noiz, YAY it was are alien. Me and him was playing games Intel my mum came. We found our mum but she siad sorry but we have to go home. Then i said we only just got here. So she said only twinty minutes cause thats the time the space ship is leaving. So we had to make the most of our time. We had a tornerment that who will come first out of are sprint. But it was to late to have are sprint compertion cause it was only 1 minute. The alien was not alound to come. He had to stay with his family that was over mars. We leaft back to earth to go home.
Friday, October 28, 2011

In the holidays me and my brothers were playing rugby. It was me and my brother Tamati. And the other team was my big brother junior and frank. We were the on that kicked the ball to them. When we kicked the ball frank catch the ball and I new I was going to tackle him. He ran it up and I bumped him of. But when he gave it to junior I got out of the way so tamati can get him down. But hi just missed him and he got are try. It was there kick to see if they can get seven Neal. But Frank missed it and it was 5 Neal. So my brother kicked the ball and I cought it and got are runner way. And we missed the kick to so it was 5 all. We were tired so we stop.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Immersion, Assembly

On the first day of term 4 we had are immersion assembly. When the bell rang we all lined up to go to the hall. We were learning about outta this world. Mr Burt was talking all about the solo system. When Mr Burt was finished team 1 had made a movie about the sun. Then they finished, I thought that was all right so we all clapped and Mr burt said it's now team 2. So team 2 went up and performed. They were dancing like robots with a black box that was on there head with are yellow light.
So when they were finished it was time for team 3. They were just like team 1 were they just showed are clip of Them. They were all about gravity like how will you go to the toilet up in space. I tried to think of the answer but it was to hard. but then they said you have to pee in are tube. But you have to put are seat belt over you. I was waiting to see what will our teacher will do they all sang twinkly twinkly, Our teacher was doing the guitar and Mr Marks and Miss Squires was dancing to the music. I thought it was funny but the funnest to me was team 5 because they were doing are perform like star wars. They were all wereing alien masks. And Mr Harris was the wife.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Auzzie Rules

WOW! Aussie rules is so cool. I always come on Thursday to play. Its so fun playing with my friends. the main parts of aussie rules are that you have to do are drop punt for the kick but you don’t do are rugby kick. And the next rule is every ten steps you have to do are bounce the ball on the curve of it or every twenty miters. And how you have to kick is that you have to kick is at the bottom of the crosses with the laces not facing you. I like the worm up games like octopus and like A.R Base ball. On Aussie Rule Base Ball you don’t hit the ball with are bat you have to kick the ball your furtherest so you can get are funner way. But you have to bounce the ball in the middle of the base.
Friday, September 16, 2011
In the beginning of the game the two teams had to sing their national anthem. Tonga started the national anthem then the all blacks. When they finished they had to prepare a challenge. It was are close mach Intel Allblacks got the first try. Then it was all up to Dan Carta to get the penuti kick. Dan Carta got it and then they got 3 Neal. When it it was half time the allblacks was winning by 29 Neal. Then when the game was over the allblacks won because they got forty one to ten.
From are count down from ten we were waiting to see what will happen when it hits to one. What happen was a lady that was doing are karanga. And at the middle it was are 11 year old boy that was running with a ball and was playing with the all blacks And at the end of the ceremony all around Eden park.
From are count down from ten we were waiting to see what will happen when it hits to one. What happen was a lady that was doing are karanga. And at the middle it was are 11 year old boy that was running with a ball and was playing with the all blacks And at the end of the ceremony all around Eden park.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Pt England Rugby 7s
Last 2 weeks on august 26 rugby 7s went to tauranga to challenge 31 schools around New Zealand. My brother Tamati made it in. They beat all of the other school and all of them got an gold meddle and only 6 got in and got an another gold mettle. I couldn't believe that it was so real.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Net Book's Going Home
Last week august 24th of Wednesday we got to take our net book home. But first we had to come to the meeting so we can take our net book home. The meeting was at five thirty pm. When Mrs Burt stop talking then we had to go in to our class to give Mr Somerville our TLN Manaiakalani paper. After we ha to wait so Mr Somerville can give out our net book to go home. When mu net book came in my bag I told my mum to lets go now I just wanted my net book. When I got home our class didn't have internet. but we were aloud to play our games that we had down loaded off ubuntu software. The game that I was playing was assault cube. Once it gets to eight thirty I have to shut it down so it can get charge for school tomorrow.
Monday, August 29, 2011
TV One News
On Tuesday 23rd in the afternoon a few people from Point England were on T.V one news. My class were on the news. We were on the news because the year 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 have net books. We had to be on our NetBooks before we were on the news. Me and my family were waiting until six o'clock to see me on the news.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Life Education Caravan

In the life education bus we had to take off your shoes before we went in. We had to go in from the shortest to the tallest. The smallest people were in the front and the tallest people were at the back. At first we got to talk to Harold.
After that we learnt all about body parts and where the food ends up. My favourite fact was the liver sorts out all the food, cleans it and then sends it all around my body. We also learnt about different kinds of healthy food. The food that we are supposed to eat is healthy food like vegetables and 8 cups of water a day!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Warriors Vs Rabbitohs

On the 22nd of May the Warriors were playing against the South Sydney Rabbitohs. It was at Mt Smart Stadium. It was an even game until the Warriors scored the first try. Christian Inu had an intercept and almost got a run-away to their try line. But the Rabbitohs finely got a try to make it a draw. So at half time it was still a draw. But during the second half it was Warriors who scored the last try to win the game. The score was 12 to 6. My favourite player on the field was Keven Lock because he's good at intercepting and at getting run away tries.
Friday, August 5, 2011

In the holiday I stayed home and played on my PlayStation. The game that I played was Spartan Total Warrior. It's cool because you have to pass a stage to get your powers up and increase your life. You have to beat the Romans, Barbarians and the Assassins.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Building Towers
Here is my animation about Room 16 building towers out of paper. Our challenge was to build the tallest tower using only paper, a little piece of Sellotape and scissors and have it stand by itself.
Monday, May 30, 2011

All the rest of the characters are cool but I still rather Jins family with my second favourite family being Dddy and Christie. I like them because their family can break dance on their head, arms and other parts of their body.
It's also one of my favourite movies. I really like the way they always get angry when they get mocked. When Jin gets mocked he always want to have a fight with the person that mocked him.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Having Net books

This year the year 5 to 8 was going to get a net book to use instead of using our writing books. When we were in year 6 I new we were going to get our net book. The day we got to use our net book was on the second week of term 1.
We had to pay the prise before we get to use our net book. Once we heard that we had to pay off the money to use our net book I went after school to my mums house to tell her that you have to pay off the money for my net book. The next day I was so happy because my mum was going to school to pay off the thirty dollars so I could use a net book instead of using the normal books.
The first day i got to use my net book was cool because we were aloud to do anything before our battery ran out. What I was playing was the games on my folders. It was are maths game that I was playing. I got heaps oh gold trophies before the battery ran out.
When the battery ran out we had to hand over our net books to Mrs burt. My one ran out when she just told us to take our net book to her. The next day we got to play on our net book all day
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gohan is so tough that he could take on bigger people that hes size like cell broly and all of they others. Why he is tough is because is dad’s name is goku and goku is the one that trained him. Goku trained him Intel he was are supper sayin. When he turned in to a super sayin goku told him to throw a rock at him his hardest so gohan threw the rock his hardest to him. But goku kept on blocking his throwing.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z is a cool movie because there is to many people thats tough like Goku Vegeta and all they others. Goku Broly and Vegeta is the toughest of dragon ball z but if vegeta fusz with goku they will be the toughest in the movie. Goku normal vs Broly super sayin it will be a good mach.
Mortal Combat

Mortal Combat has to many characters that tough like Scorpion Sub zero and Raiden. They all have diffident powers be cause Raiden has lightning powers and Subzero has the ice powers and last but not leas Scorpion has the most fire powers. I reckon that if they all had a much it might be are good much. But to me it might be Raiden because his won of the gods and they others they just have powers not gods powers. Scorpion wanted to cheat because Raiden was to tough because he was a god. What he wanted to do is say to Subzero to team up on him because his to tough but Subzero didn't want to cheat because he wanted to be the toughest in Mortal Combat. So they all had a much to see who one for the top of Mortal Combat. Scorpion blast at Raiden and Raiden basted back so it was fire agents lightning. So subzero hop on Scorpions side because he was losing Agents Raiden. So Raiden was out cold by Subzero and it was up to Scorpion and Subzero it was an automatic win for Scorpion.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tekken 5 is one of my best games. Why Its one of my best games is because they have Jin Heihachi kazuya and devil Jin. They are the most toughest family in tekken. Jin has lightning coming out of his body. And devil Jin has red lightning coming out of his eyes and hands.
All the rest of the characters is cool but i will still relier Jins family. And my second best family is eddy and christie because there family could do break dance. on there head arms and every other body bits.
And Its one of my best movie. I really like the way they always get angry when they get mocked. When Jin gets mocked he always want to have a fight with the person that mocked him.

100,000 Millions years ago my dinosaur lived in a forest were all the dinosaurs lived. His name was called ankylosaruus because he had to be named after his dad. He so huge that he could take on a T-Rex and triceratops. His dad and his mum could take on most of the dinosaurs in the forest.
His habits are going threw the woods hunting for dinosaurs. Ankylosaurus has spikes on its back and a rock on its tail for when some dinosaurs come to attack. What he uses for attacking is his rock and his spikes on his back for def He took on three triceratops with his big humongous rock on the bottom of his tail.
And he took on five T-Rex with his spikes on his back because they always try to bit him on his back but they always die when they bit his spikes He likes to eat grazing on ferns and other low growing plant life. While he eats ferns and growing plants he slowly gets tougher and tougher. Suddenly he likes to fight against hes own family.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011
Street Fighter

My best characters of street fighter is Ryu Ken and Akuma because they are the toughest of street fighter. Why I chose them is because they have the most powerful strength of street fighter. Kens most powerful move is his uppercut because fire comes out of his hand.
And Ryu's most special move is his water flame coming out of his hand. And his second one is just the same but the water flame is not as big as his special move.
Last but not least Akuma's finish is when he says these chinese words and the other person will automatically lose life only if you make his power up.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Lolly cake links

I have looked for information about lolly cake with Miss G. Please click on my link.
I have found a picture of lolly cake on the internet. Please click on my picture to see were I got it from.
Monday, March 14, 2011
EarthQuake And Tsunami

On Friday 11 march there was an Earthquake and a tsunami at the same time. The Earthquake started at 2.45pm, It made bumps going threw the road, cracks thew the bulling,s and bridges falling down. Soon when the Earthquake stop a thew seconds later a tsunami happened and washed all the cars away and most of the land.
The people thought that the Tsunami finally calm down but it was going out to make a whirlpool and made a little bit smaller than the other one because the first one way looked a bit bigger. I really felt sorry of the people the had died and the people that has been damaged but I'm really happy of the people that has survive from the Tsunami and the Earthquake.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Yesterday Pt england went to a tournament down at Coilen maiden park. Their were 6 schools that went to Coilen maiden park and we were won of them. The first thing we did was have a little fed. And the first school we
Monday, February 21, 2011
Meet Steve fox
My super hero strengths are my boxing powers and super speed. One morning I woke up and was late for training. So I grabbed my gloves and ran out the door. I sprinted so fast that i just got to training on time. My friend Jesiah and I had a boxing battle until I finally I knocked him out!
Every person in the universe thinks i am bad because i made over 100,000 people go to the hospital. My name is Fox, Steve Fox. You might see my fellow villains around, some are Kazua Heihachi Gim-pachi and Devil-jin.
Every person in the universe thinks i am bad because i made over 100,000 people go to the hospital. My name is Fox, Steve Fox. You might see my fellow villains around, some are Kazua Heihachi Gim-pachi and Devil-jin.
Steve fox
My super hero strengths are my boxing powers and super speed. One morning I woke up and was late for training. So I grabbed my gloves and ran out the door. I sprinted so fast that i just got to training on time. My friend Jesiah and I had a boxing battle until I finally Iknocked him out!
Every person in the universe thinks i am bad because i made over 100,000 people go to the hospital. My name is Fox, Steve Fox. You might see my fellow villains around, some are Kazua Heihachi Gim-pachi and Devil-jin.
Every person in the universe thinks i am bad because i made over 100,000 people go to the hospital. My name is Fox, Steve Fox. You might see my fellow villains around, some are Kazua Heihachi Gim-pachi and Devil-jin.
Steve fox
My super hero strengths are my boxing powers and super speed. One morning I woke up and was late for training. So I grabbed my gloves and ran out the door. I sprinted so fast that i just got to training on time. My friend Jesiah and I had a boxing battle until I finally Iknocked him out!
Every person in the universe thinks i am bad because i made over 100,000 people go to the hospital. My name is Fox, Steve Fox. You might see my fellow villains around, some are Kazua Heihachi Gim-pachi and Devil-jin.
Every person in the universe thinks i am bad because i made over 100,000 people go to the hospital. My name is Fox, Steve Fox. You might see my fellow villains around, some are Kazua Heihachi Gim-pachi and Devil-jin.
Steve fox
My super hero strengths are my boxing powers and super speed. One morning I woke up and was late for training. So I grabbed my gloves and ran out the door. I sprinted so fast that i just got to training on time. My friend Jesiah and I had a boxing battle until I finally Iknocked him out!
Every person in the universe thinks i am bad because i made over 100,000 people go to the hospital. My name is Fox, Steve Fox. You might see my fellow villains around, some are Kazua Heihachi Gim-pachi and Devil-jin.
Every person in the universe thinks i am bad because i made over 100,000 people go to the hospital. My name is Fox, Steve Fox. You might see my fellow villains around, some are Kazua Heihachi Gim-pachi and Devil-jin.
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